Archive for January, 2016

Early Bird Sneak Peek: “Kissing Disease”!

January 28, 2016

Hi all! It’s time for another Early Bird Sneak Peek, where I share a glimpse at the story my lucky Early Bird patrons will be enjoying next Saturday thanks to their pledges at my Patreon page! Of course, if you’re not an Early Bird patron, you’ll still get a story next week–“X, Y and Zee”, teased as last week’s Early Bird story, has already been submitted to the EMCSA. But the Early Bird patrons will be getting “Kissing Disease”! (MC FF MF FD MD)


When it started, nobody worried about it much. It was just mono, that was all–a new strain, perhaps, but no more worrisome than this year’s flu virus and perhaps a good deal less. But that was before Carrie learned what it could do. That was on Day One. In sixty one days, Carrie’s world will change forever…


Here’s a taste:


“You’re probably right,” Gena said, in a tone that suggested that she didn’t have the energy to argue even if Carrie was telling her the sky was pink. “Anyhow, I’m just waiting to get better. That’s all you can really do, right?”


“Huh?” Carrie was momentarily distracted by another trending topic, ‘#Carrier’. “Oh, um, yeah. That’s what they’re saying on the news. You get yourself plenty of rest, eat healthy, and don’t operate any heavy machinery or anything. Okay?”


“Okay,” Gena said, her sleepy voice warm with affection. “Talk to you tomorrow?”


“You bet,” Carrie said, before finally disconnecting the call. She un-muted CNN while scrolling through a few of the ‘#Carrier’ tweets. letting the bloviating of the pundits wash over her while she read:

Being a #carrier is like winning the lottery, it makes some people into assholes.

Visited Nebraska three weeks ago, feeling fine–#Carrier?

My boyfriend thinks he’s a #carrier, keeps telling me to make him a sandwich. #doesntworkthatway

Public service: Stay away from social media. If you don’t listen to me, you’ll listen to them. #Carrier #KissingDisease

@Bobby_Reyez It’s not just guys–I’ve seen #carrier women doing it too.

Anyone know what the #carrier odds are? I’m hearing 10%, but I don’t know if I trust the source.

I love my #carrier I love my #carrier I love my #carrier I love my #carrier I love my #carrier I love my #carrier I love my #carrier

I kissed a girl, and I liked it…four weeks later… #KissingDisease #carrier

That one had a photo attached, of a woman down on her knees playing with the photographer’s dick. She didn’t look too into it, though; she looked like she was struggling to stay awake. Carrie rolled her eyes–why did some guys always think the world needed to see their cock? She closed Twitter and went to unpack her groceries. She’d stocked up a little on canned goods, just in case of…well, just in case, she told herself, deciding that finishing that sentence automatically made her sound paranoid.


Hope you enjoy it!

Service at the Sharp End

January 24, 2016

(This post has been brought to you by the efforts of my 32 really amazing Patrons! Visit my Patreon page to learn how to become one of them.)


This is something I’ve talked about on some of the fetish community pages I’m on, but it’s worth mentioning to my readers here: Lady Ru’etha, my Goddess, has recently underwent something of a health scare. It’s mostly resolved now, but there was a period of a month or so where She was experiencing near constant pain and nausea due to a blood clot in Her liver. It was a scary time, because we didn’t know what was wrong at first and then suddenly there seemed to be too many possible candidates and then the treatment was worse than the disease for a little bit. Having it be mostly over is a genuinely wonderful thing.


But I thought that it might be good to talk about it from my perspective as a permanently collared, benevolently brainwashed lifestyle submissive, because I can’t imagine I’m the only one out there whose Owner has gone through a health crisis and has had to submit to someone not at all in a fit state to be dominant. (Which She wasn’t–there were days when She could barely manage to get out of bed long enough to fall asleep on the couch.)


Now, I may not be the best submissive to talk to about this, because I’m a service submissive for Goddess; doing things for Her is part of our shared kink, so I do things like get Her food and drinks and perform minor tasks for Her on a daily basis. On that level, it didn’t change, except for the very real fact that She felt like She was relying on me more than She should even as a lifestyle submissive. Some of our negotiations revolved around making sure that She understood that She was not useless or weak for having these health problems and that I still saw Her as my Domme. That wasn’t always easy.


The other part, though, is a problem I suspect is common to all submissives in this position–we weren’t playing. This is not a complaint, let me stress that in the strongest possible terms–it would have been the height of insensitivity and selfishness to make any demands on Her during this period. She was doing everything She could to heal Her body, much of which was painful or exhausting or both, and only a jackass would be saying, “But why won’t you hypnotize me?” in response to that.


Still, that doesn’t make the physical need go away. (Lesson #1 to submissives in this position: It’s okay to admit that.) Now, if I’d been more actively poly instead of just being generally open to the idea of polyamorous relationships–I’ve described myself as neandersexual, meaning that I’m really interested in people who make the first move–I might have just played with others. Which would have probably brought its own hazards, since Goddess needed to know She was still desirable to me even with grapefruit-sized bruises all over Her abdomen from the medicine She was taking, but the point is that it wasn’t happening. So how did I handle it?


Mostly by fantasizing about Her. A lot. This is where I think the long-distance relationship we had for so long helped me; I am used to thinking of Her while I stroke myself, using Her words and Her presence as inspiration for my stories, and generally letting Her brainwashing do a lot of the work of controlling me even when She wasn’t able to do so directly. It wasn’t everything I wanted…let’s face it, there is no substitute for the sheer magnificence and sensual power She brings to my life…but it kept me centered and focused on the importance She holds for me. And when you’re a submissive in love, that’s important.


Again, She is doing better now. She still has some days when She tires easily, and it may be a few more months before She’s fully recovered, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. And in the end, I am pleased and proud to know that I can be a good boy for Her even under the most trying of circumstances.

Early Bird Sneak Peek: “X, Y and Zee”!

January 21, 2016

Hi all! It’s time for another Early Bird Sneak Peek, where I share a glimpse at the story my lucky Early Bird patrons will be enjoying next Saturday thanks to their pledges at my Patreon page! Of course, if you’re not an Early Bird patron, you’ll still get a story next week–“Trust and Obey”, teased as last week’s Early Bird story, has already been submitted to the EMCSA. But the Early Bird patrons will be getting “X, Y and Zee”! (MC FF)


There are a lot of famous psychological experiments that are designed to test people’s natural acceptance of commands from authority figures. But Dr. Zvjezdana Knezevic believes they all share a common flaw–you can’t really be sure what people will do when they’re not following instructions. But she’s found a way to fix all that. She’s found two very straight women, and she’s going to do a little case study to see if they’ll go lezzie for her. How does it go? Well, here’s a taste:


Roughly two seconds after X began to strip naked, Y removed her white bra to reveal large, plump, visibly erect nipples. (Y’s breasts were generally larger than X’s, not just in the nipples and aureolae but in terms of cup size as well.) She removed her panties, notably attempting to conceal her labia from visual inspection. The olfactory evidence of her arousal was undeniable, though–bluntly, I was able to smell her vaginal lubrication from several feet away. It was entirely pleasant, but distinctly noticeable.


This conflict between conscious modesty and unconscious arousal clearly indicated a state of uncertainty regarding the situation Y found herself in. Although she had no doubt fantasized about a lesbian encounter, she had never intended to act on these fantasies. Finding herself in a position where she was being allowed to participate in same-sex nudity and to view sexually explicit lesbian pornography, all without having to take personal responsibility for her actions, was clearly triggering profound arousal on a level that bypassed her religious beliefs and vows of fidelity. I suspected even at the time that Y would reach a profound agentic state in a relatively brief period.


Hope you enjoy it!

A Word on Sequels

January 17, 2016

(This post has been brought to you by the efforts of my 32 genuinely special Patrons! Visit my Patreon page to learn how to become one of them.)


One of the most frequent responses I get whenever I post a story (especially on Literotica) is, “I’d love to see a sequel to this.” Which surprises me, because you’d think at this point there’d be at least a Pavlovian conditioning setting in. I don’t do many sequels, and I figured that with as many requests for them as I get, I should finally explain why.


The answer is simple–I don’t have many ideas for sequels. Most of the time, I write out a story to what seems like its logical conclusion and then stop. Now, that doesn’t mean that those characters have no life at all in my head after the story’s over, or anything…but usually, the things I imagine them doing once I write the words “THE END” just aren’t that interesting or dramatic. Given my subject matter, it’s usually mindless brainwashed sex, which I’m aware is at least interesting to some, but as I said once on this blog, if all you’re describing is the mindless brainwashed sex, sooner or later you run out of ways to say that bits of anatomy squished together. If all I have to say about the characters in a story is, “And then they had more sex,” I’m probably not going to do it.


Which isn’t to say I won’t ever do sequels–only that they’re rare, and I have to have an idea for them. “Smoke From a Distant Fire” started with the idea of Amy finding that button and trancing over Skype, which I thought would be a fun and novel story idea. “Invisible Touch”, weirdly enough, was the first story that came to mind for Jack and Diane; I wound up with so much backstory for them that I wrote a whole other story where they told strangers how they met and fell in love, which I put to paper first because I wanted people to know them. The Girls stories are all technically sequels, although you’ll notice that no human characters recur from one to another because the Girls solve everyone’s interpersonal problems for them, which reduces drama. And I’m always happy to do another superhero story.


Basically, my stories have sequels if there’s enough going on with those characters to make me write one. (Even then, I also have to find time to write them down amid the throng of new story ideas–I’ve had a notion for a sequel to “Hungry Like the Wolf” for easily eight years now that I still plan to do someday, about their honeymoon in London.) But I really hope that by now, people see sequels as a pleasant surprise when it comes to my stories, and not an expectation. Because honestly, if you’re picturing all sorts of interesting things in your head that happened after the words, “THE END”, and I’m not writing a sequel, it’s because your ideas are probably way more interesting than mine are.

Early Bird Sneak Peek: “Trust and Obey”!

January 14, 2016

Hi all! It’s time for another Early Bird Sneak Peek, where I share a glimpse at the story my lucky Early Bird patrons will be enjoying next Saturday thanks to their pledges at my Patreon page! Of course, if you’re not an Early Bird patron, you’ll still get a story next week–“Forever Your Girl”, teased as last week’s Early Bird story, has already been submitted to the EMCSA. But the Early Bird patrons will be getting “Trust and Obey”! (MC FF HU)


I’m not gonna lie to you–I may very well have lost my ever-loving mind, here. Because this is a story about Louise, who gets a very special visit on a very rainy day from an extraordinary, magical, brainwashing woman…who speaks only in rhyme. Here’s a taste:


“Are you nuts?” Louise hissed at Gigi, unsure whether to scream or laugh. “I mean, that’s obviously a big yes, but…seriously, are you nuts? You can’t just make someone gay!”


Surprisingly, Gigi nodded. “I agree!” she said, snipping the air with her scissors in excitement. “I just can’t! I just can’t make you gay.” Louise relaxed just a tiny bit in her bonds, until Gigi’s next words made her struggle all the harder. “Not without my two friends–they’re called ‘Trust’ and ‘Obey’!”


She gestured, and two Caucasian women wearing full-length gowns similar to Gigi’s stepped into the living room just as Louise realized she’d never actually closed the outer door. They were both tiny, perhaps the smallest full-grown women Louise had ever seen–each of them was roughly three feet tall. But they each had an extraordinary beehive hairdo, a bouffant that more made up the extra height. One of them had cotton candy pink hair, the other cotton candy blue. It looked surprisingly natural on them.


Hope you enjoy it!

An Apology

January 10, 2016

(This post has been brought to you by the efforts of my 30 always amazing Patrons! Visit my Patreon page to learn how to become one of them.)


This post is really more of a confession than anything else, and it’s one probably about a decade overdue. See, I have an email on my profile at Literotica, and on my author’s page at the EMCSA…and I’m terrible at answering fanmail.


I mean really terrible. In fact, I think my fanmail answering rate is probably under 1 in 1,000. It’s not that I don’t appreciate it–I actually value my fanmail far more than your average mainstream author, because I understand that it’s a bit harder to admit to loving a writer of smut than it is to loving Neil Gaiman’s work. When you write to Neil, you’re saying, “I love quality prose, intricate plotting, and deft characterization.” When you write to me, you’re saying, “This particular kink made me want to masturbate.” I get that the latter is much harder to work up the nerve to write about.


But ultimately, I’m never quite sure what to say back. It’s probably an anxiety thing–I’m always concerned that my emails won’t sound as good as my writing, and being an introvert, I have a hard time socializing with strangers in general. And once the email sits in my inbox for a few days, I start feeling like I’d have to start out by apologizing for being late in my response, and that’s even harder to write, and then it just snowballs into a big old mess of social anxiety and then another email or two pile up on top of that one and suddenly I’m worried about a different fan. And the cycle continues.


So consider this by way of an entirely inadequate apology to anyone who’s ever written me personally and gotten no response. It’s not that I didn’t treasure your praise–I keep every single piece of fanmail, dating all the way back to 2005 (and I would have kept them all back to 2000 if not for a Yahoo purge I will never forgive them for)–it’s just that I don’t have the same nerve you do when it comes to talking to strangers.

Early Bird Sneak Peek: “Forever Your Girl”!

January 7, 2016

Hi all! It’s time for another Early Bird Sneak Peek, where I share a glimpse at the story my lucky Early Bird patrons will be enjoying next Saturday thanks to their pledges at my Patreon page! Of course, if you’re not an Early Bird patron, you’ll still get a story next week–“Take Me Home Tonight”, teased as last week’s Early Bird story, has already been submitted to the EMCSA. But the Early Bird patrons will be getting “Forever Your Girl”! (MC MF MD)


In the distant future, archaeologist Jace Andron excavates a ruin on the long-dead world known as Earth. What he finds changes everything he knows about the last great era of the cradle of humanity.


Here’s a taste:


All he could think of as he ran was the stories. He’d read them as a child, fairy tales of derring-do and heroism from a long-dead world. Stories of men and women who could fly through the skies without rocket-belts and shatter stone with their bare fists, fighting a never-ending battle for truth and justice against all sorts of monsters and madmen. He’d never really forgotten those old stories, even when he grew up and learned the darker, more complex histories behind them. The Age of Heroes, the last great era of Earth civilization before the Great Collapse.


He’d seen artifacts of the Age of Heroes. He’d touched the xenonite knuckles that WildRose used in the final battle against Imperil, he’d seen with his own eyes the empathic crystal that held Professor Psyche’s last message to humanity. He’d even gone as far as the Olympus system to see with his own eyes the Dyson Sphere the immortals had made when they withdrew from the universe. He knew all their stories, and he knew how they all ended. All except one. This one.


The raised dais jutted a full thirty feet from the chamber floor, a pyramid of steps leading up to a granite throne. And above that throne, Jace saw the emblem that had launched a billion nightmares. His banner had been flown by a thousand impostors over the centuries, all claiming to be the legend returned. They’d said he was behind the Tyronian Purges, that he was the secret leader of the Sirian Death Cults, that he was working behind the scenes to orchestrate an endless parade of human misery. It had been a thousand years since his last confirmed sighting, but humanity still held its collective breath waiting for him to return. And here it was. The crimson fist, ascending from a lightning bolt. The symbol of Doctor Damian Darke.


Hope you enjoy it!

Liner Notes for December 2015

January 3, 2016

(This post has been brought to you by the efforts of my 29 gobsmackingly wonderful Patrons! Visit my Patreon page to learn how to become one of them.)


Last month was a slightly short month, due to the lack of a December 26th update (but who can blame Simon for that?) So let’s talk about the three stories I posted:


Baby Got Back: This was inspired in large part by a non-hypno video I saw…purely for research purposes, of course…involving an African-American BBW getting her buttocks oiled up all over and then taken from behind with a strap-on. She had these shiny, gleaming cheeks, and they jiggled in syncopation to the rhythm of the sex…it occurred to me that it would be easy to turn that into a hypnotic focus, which made me think of my Goddess (who has a magnificent ass in Her own right) doing that at a kink con. Not much more needs to be said there.


The Pendulum’s Promise: Sometimes, it really is as simple as seeing a title and being inspired. I was looking at the discography of the Insane Clown Posse, wondering if there might be a story in one of their titles, and I saw “The Pendulum’s Promise” and knew exactly what it promised and to whom. Simple, but effective.


Every Time I Close My Eyes: I’ve had an idea for a while now about a graphic that was inherently hypnotic, sort of a hypno-kink version of the Funniest Joke in the World from Monty Python. The second you see it, it gets in your head, acting on some sort of inherent property of the way the mind processes images, and you can’t get away from it. When I saw the title, “Every Time I Close My Eyes”, I knew that it would be about someone trying to unsee it and still having the after-image in their head. Everything else was just a matter of filling in the details of who would plausibly be able to make such an image, and who their victim would be. This one feels like I could maybe expand it, even.


A little short, I know, but again, short month. January will be longer, see you then!